ozs Membership

Membership at OZS makes practicing Judaism in Lexington, KY communal, vibrant, and relevant. We delight in new members, and feel fortunate that you are interested in our congregation.

OZS Membership Committee chair Kathy Grossman is happy to answer any of your membership questions.

She can be reached by phone or text at (859) 327-9017.

  • Members come together for events, meals, religious school, and Jewish observance. Members also have access to Rabbi Abramowitz for pastoral care and lifecycle rituals, such as weddings, baby namings, and funerals. Members sustain our community, and our community sustains its members.

  • Membership is offered to individuals who are Jewish and to families in which at least one adult is Jewish.

    Our congregation considers an individual to be Jewish if they were born to a Jewish mother or have completed conversion to Judaism under the supervision of a Rabbi belonging to a recognized national rabbinical body.

    If you have any questions about whether you would be considered Jewish by these standards, please reach out directly to Rabbi Abramowitz at rabbiabramowitz@ozs.org before completing a membership application.

  • Family: $2,316/year ($193/month)

    Individual: $1,389/year ($116/month)

    Under 35 Family (both spouses/partners under 35): $1,158/year ($97/month)

    Under 35 Single: $695/year ($58/month)

    Full-Time Student: $180 ($15/month)

  • To begin your application please click the link below labeled “Apply for OZS Membership”. This will take you to a simple online application form to get the process started.

    Next, you will be contacted by the OZS office to collect other demographic information, such as your Hebrew name and names and ages of any children.

    Finally, your application will be forwarded to the synagogue board for approval.

    (Note: If you prefer a paper application, feel free to reach out to the membership committee chair Kathy Grossman or the OZS office at any time.)